The Need for TrainingThe stamp of management begins with the company's mission and what it communicates to employees. When this is forgotten by managers the contract is severed. Whether companies have or do not have specialized Human Resources and Training personnel, many suffer from antiquated policy manuals and human resources tools. There is a general tendency to just "add" items to old policies and procedures or to "copy" tools from other companies, which are also either antiquated or not fit for the company in question. In larger companies if a Human Resources function exists, whether there is full-time Human Resources personnel or not. In the latter case this function is directly handled by the General Manager or Controller Since many relate Human Resources mostly to Payroll and Benefits, we find that quite a number of companies gave this responsibility to their Controller. Needless to say that in such instances the more sophisticated issues of Human Resources, Employee Training & Development, Customer Service and other related issues are either never considered or are judged solely on their cost-factor with no-one at the helm to give organizational direction. They watch the pennies while the dollars fly out the door in the way of staff turnover and or Union organization. Our HR audit and training & assessment programs are your first defense.