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:: TrainThe      Trainer
The Train The Trainer Course targets trainers that instruct in a trades/technical setting.  The type of people that take training in this area require instructors that can relate to their worksites and work culture.   Our Program is based on the BC Apprenticeship Model that concentrates on the Five A’s of  Instructional Skills:


Train the Trainer

Robert Graham is our Train The Trainer expert

Train The Trainer

The Train The Trainer Course targets trainers that instruct in a trades/technical setting.  The type of people that take training in this area require instructors that can relate to their worksites and work culture.   Our Program is based on the BC Apprenticeship Model that concentrates on the Five A’s of  Instructional Skills:  (We want our Trainer’s to get straight A's in our modules.)
  • Action Plan
  • Audio Visual
  • Attention
  • Assessment
  • Application

Each of the modules is a component of the  course (1-5 days in length depending on the client’s needs) that enables the trainer to build on their own personal style of instruction.  The course is built on a series of brief instructor led discussions followed by a series of exercises and classroom sessions that involve the class participation and most importantly build skills that work for the individual.   The goal of the class is to provide a safe environment to develop ‘the individual’s coaching/instructional skills with peers of a similar background.

Action Plan Module:   This module focuses on the skills required to properly prepare classroom and hands on exercises.

Audio Visual Module:   The presentation module enables the trainer to develop skills that work for his or her personal style and offers tips on styles that will hold the attention of the learners and encourage them to learn. It also covers the advantages of various mediums ie flip chart, overhead, power point etc.

Attention Module:  This module offers the trainers a hands on look at how to involve the class in discussion and add skills to their individual tool box of skills which will equipment with techniques to handle students that present challenges in the classroom.

Assessment Module:  The performance module offers the trainer the skills to evaluate and choose methods of evaluating skill levels based on the knowledge and hands on skills being evaluated.

Application  Module:   This module gives the trainer the opportunity to demonstrate the skills learned by doing a 10 minute presentation on the topic of their choice.  The feedback given is done in a positive manner.

  contact Robert