One of the best 360Ί training needs analysis instruments available!
Tells you how much additional training a manager or supervisor is
perceived to need in order to be fully effective on the job. A
48-item questionnaire, the Management Training
Needs Analysis covers 12 essential management practice and
supervisory skill dimensions.
Performance Mgt.
Problem Solving
Human Relations
Planning & Organizing
Work Assignments
Time Management
Discipline & Control
This assessment obtains perceptions from 4 organizational levels (self, superior,
subordinates peers). Convenient -scoring format shows you
graphically and quickly how we spot training needs. Excellent
for first level supervisors through upper
middle management.
This program helps to weed out the impostors ( managers who you
would be wasting your time and money training.
When a manger is missing the mark they impact on more people than
one would imagine. It is for this reason that this analysis is done
with 4 interest groups or stakeholders, The manager him/her self,
their superior, the peers and subordinates. This is the corner
stone of any successful management team, to quote an old clichι, you
are only as strong as your weakest link.
When you review the two actual scores below you will find that
these are two completely different managers. One ( the manager
on the right) has an average score at 40 or better. This would
indicate that the manager not only would benefit from more training
in certain areas but that training money would be well spent. The
score would indicate that the manger has the basic skill sets on
which one would be able to develop more skill sets.
The manager on the left, is struggling in every
category, this manager may do better with a different organization.
The profile of this managers department would be:
- More employee concerns;
- This manger requires more follow-up on projects;
- Department just has more problems;
- Staff development is behind other departments;
- Employee surveys show staff unrest;
- More staff turnover in this department;
- More peer to peer problems
Scoring |
Leadership |
Self |
12 |
Superior |
4 |
Average sub/Peer |
9.50 |
Set Score |
25.50 |
Training |
Self |
14 |
Superior |
10 |
Average sub/Peer |
10.50 |
Set Score |
34.50 |
Human Relations |
Self |
13 |
Superior |
7 |
Average sub/Peer |
9.50 |
Set Score |
29.50 |
Motivation |
Self |
13 |
Superior |
9 |
Average sub/Peer |
8.60 |
Set Score |
30.60 |
Communication |
Self |
15 |
Superior |
9 |
Average sub/Peer |
9.70 |
Set Score |
33.70 |
Discipline& Control |
Self |
12 |
Superior |
9 |
Average sub/Peer |
10.00 |
Set Score |
31.00 |
Performance Management |
Self |
14 |
Superior |
8 |
Average sub/Peer |
9.75 |
Set Score |
31.75 |
Counseling |
Self |
13 |
Superior |
10 |
Average sub/Peer |
10.00 |
Set Score |
33.00 |
Problem solving/ |
Decision Making |
Self |
13 |
Superior |
12 |
Average sub/Peer |
11.10 |
Set Score |
36.10 |
Planning/Organizing |
Self |
13 |
Superior |
9.4 |
Average sub/Peer |
8.50 |
Set Score |
30.90 |
Work Assigments |
Self |
12 |
Superior |
9 |
Average sub/Peer |
11.00 |
Set Score |
32.00 |
Time Managment |
Self |
15 |
Superior |
10 |
Average sub/Peer |
9.00 |
Set Score |
34.00 |
Scoring |
Leadership |
Self |
16 |
Superior |
14 |
Average sub/Peer |
13.50 |
Set Score |
43.50 |
Training |
Self |
12 |
Superior |
15 |
Average sub/Peer |
12.50 |
Set Score |
39.50 |
Human Relations |
Self |
11 |
Superior |
13 |
Average sub/Peer |
12.88 |
Set Score |
36.88 |
Motivation |
Self |
14 |
Superior |
15.5 |
Average sub/Peer |
13.75 |
Set Score |
43.25 |
Communication |
Self |
16 |
Superior |
12 |
Average sub/Peer |
12.50 |
Set Score |
40.50 |
Discipline& Control |
Self |
13 |
Superior |
16 |
Average sub/Peer |
13.88 |
Set Score |
42.88 |
Performance Management |
Self |
7 |
Superior |
13 |
Average sub/Peer |
13.00 |
Set Score |
33.00 |
Counseling |
Self |
19 |
Superior |
15 |
Average sub/Peer |
14.00 |
Set Score |
48.00 |
Problem solving/ |
Decision Making |
Self |
12 |
Superior |
11.5 |
Average sub/Peer |
13.63 |
Set Score |
37.13 |
Planning/Organizing |
Self |
16 |
Superior |
16 |
Average sub/Peer |
13.13 |
Set Score |
45.13 |
Work Assigments |
Self |
19 |
Superior |
16 |
Average sub/Peer |
12.25 |
Set Score |
47.25 |
Time Managment |
Self |
17 |
Superior |
15 |
Average sub/Peer |
12.38 |
Set Score |
44.38 |